جمعية مُحققي شرطة ولاية نيويورك تؤيد ترشح الأردنية عُلا نشيوات لمنصب المراقب المالي في دوتشيس
نيويورك (التقرير الأردني) - حصلت السيدة عٌلا نشيوات (43 عاما) على تأييد جمعية مُحققي شرطة ولاية نيويورك لمنصب المراقب المالي في مقاطعة دوتيس - للمزيد طالع البيان باللغة الانكليزية
Ola Nesheiwat Hawatmeh has been endorsed by the New York State Police Investigators Association. The union represents over 2,200 active and retired members of the Bureau of Criminal Investigation of the New York State Police. In their letter of endorsement NYSPIA President Timothy Dymond and Troop K Delegate Robert Lombardi said, “You are a woman of both great integrity and fiscal responsibility and those qualities are needed to serve as the Comptroller of Dutchess County. The NYSPIA membership believes you exemplify the criteria that qualifies you for this position.” Ola reacted on the endorsement, “I’m honored to have the endorsement of the State Police Investigators Association. The brave men and women of the State Police work hard every day to serve and protect New Yorkers and it’s humbling to have earned their trust for this position. Like so many others, they recognize that we need new leadership in the Comptroller’s Office.” Ola has a background in business, having founded her first company at age 29. As the mother of 3 her business – Mom Me Makeover - helped fellow moms feel more confident through makeovers. As a one-person enterprise, Ola managed the accounting, worked with vendors, made sure orders were fulfilled, and turned the company into a success by the end of the first year. Ola is a native of Dutchess County. In addition to her business experience, Ola has made charitable endeavors a top priority throughout her career. She founded Makeover For A Cause, a charity that provides free makeovers to underprivileged women and military members and their spouses. She also started Survivor Fashion Week, a charity that allows fellow cancer survivors to walk as runway models and raises money to help fund a cure. Ola announced her candidacy back in April for this year’s election for Dutchess County Comptroller. She has successfully qualified for the ballot on the Republican and Conservative lines and will face incumbent Robin Lois in the November General Election
Ola Nesheiwat Hawatmeh has been endorsed by the New York State Police Investigators Association. The union represents over 2,200 active and retired members of the Bureau of Criminal Investigation of the New York State Police. In their letter of endorsement NYSPIA President Timothy Dymond and Troop K Delegate Robert Lombardi said, “You are a woman of both great integrity and fiscal responsibility and those qualities are needed to serve as the Comptroller of Dutchess County. The NYSPIA membership believes you exemplify the criteria that qualifies you for this position.” Ola reacted on the endorsement, “I’m honored to have the endorsement of the State Police Investigators Association. The brave men and women of the State Police work hard every day to serve and protect New Yorkers and it’s humbling to have earned their trust for this position. Like so many others, they recognize that we need new leadership in the Comptroller’s Office.” Ola has a background in business, having founded her first company at age 29. As the mother of 3 her business – Mom Me Makeover - helped fellow moms feel more confident through makeovers. As a one-person enterprise, Ola managed the accounting, worked with vendors, made sure orders were fulfilled, and turned the company into a success by the end of the first year. Ola is a native of Dutchess County. In addition to her business experience, Ola has made charitable endeavors a top priority throughout her career. She founded Makeover For A Cause, a charity that provides free makeovers to underprivileged women and military members and their spouses. She also started Survivor Fashion Week, a charity that allows fellow cancer survivors to walk as runway models and raises money to help fund a cure. Ola announced her candidacy back in April for this year’s election for Dutchess County Comptroller. She has successfully qualified for the ballot on the Republican and Conservative lines and will face incumbent Robin Lois in the November General Election
أردنية تٌنافس على منصب المراقب المالي لمقاطعة دوتشيس في نيويورك

نيويورك - التقرير الاردني- أعلنت سيدة الأعمال المحلية عٌلا نشيوات حواتمة عن محاولتها للإطاحة بمراقب مقاطعة دوتشيس المالي: السيدة روبن لويس، من الحزب الديمقراطي، في انتخابات ستجري في الثاني من تشرين الثاني القادم
وحصلت النشيوات على موافقة الحزب الجمهوري والمحافظين
وقالت السيدة عٌلا (44 سنة) وهي من اصول اردنية عن سبب ترشحها "انني أترشح لمنصب المراقب المالي لأن المواطنين بحاجة إلى مراقب مالي قوي لحساب كيفية إنفاق كل سنت من أموال دافعي الضرائب"
وحصلت النشيوات على موافقة الحزب الجمهوري والمحافظين
وقالت السيدة عٌلا (44 سنة) وهي من اصول اردنية عن سبب ترشحها "انني أترشح لمنصب المراقب المالي لأن المواطنين بحاجة إلى مراقب مالي قوي لحساب كيفية إنفاق كل سنت من أموال دافعي الضرائب"