القتل العائلي خلال شهر حزيران
في 14 حزيران اقدم أب على قتل ابنته (رانيا عبادي وعمرها 21 سنة ) في عمان بسبب خلافلات حول علاماتها المتدنية في الجامعة
في 23 حزيران - فام شخص في مدينة الزرقاء بقتل شقيقته حرقا
في 27 حزيران – أقدم أب على قتل ابنه بالتبني في مرج الحمام بعمان العاصمة - والطفل هو ابن بالتبني لأب اضافة إلى 3 اطفال اخرين، احضرهم معه من خارج الأردن. التحقيقات كشفت أن الاب كان يعاقب الاطفال بالضرب والماء الساخن، وهو ما تسبب بوفاة الطفل ذي الـ 7 سنوات. المدعي العام اوقف الاب بتهمة القتل، فيما اخذت ادارة حماية الاسرة الاطفال الثلاثة لتأمين رعايتهم
في 28 حزيران – اقدم زوج على قتل زوجته في السلط بالضرب والخنق بسبب خلافات عائلية
في 14 حزيران اقدم أب على قتل ابنته (رانيا عبادي وعمرها 21 سنة ) في عمان بسبب خلافلات حول علاماتها المتدنية في الجامعة
في 23 حزيران - فام شخص في مدينة الزرقاء بقتل شقيقته حرقا
في 27 حزيران – أقدم أب على قتل ابنه بالتبني في مرج الحمام بعمان العاصمة - والطفل هو ابن بالتبني لأب اضافة إلى 3 اطفال اخرين، احضرهم معه من خارج الأردن. التحقيقات كشفت أن الاب كان يعاقب الاطفال بالضرب والماء الساخن، وهو ما تسبب بوفاة الطفل ذي الـ 7 سنوات. المدعي العام اوقف الاب بتهمة القتل، فيما اخذت ادارة حماية الاسرة الاطفال الثلاثة لتأمين رعايتهم
في 28 حزيران – اقدم زوج على قتل زوجته في السلط بالضرب والخنق بسبب خلافات عائلية
حالات الانتحار في الأردن لشهر آذار 2021
في 3 آذار نوفي شخص عمره 40 سنة في ضاحية الرشيد بعمان بعد ان اطلق النار على نفسه
في 9 آذار وجد شاب عمره 20 سنة متوفيا في شقته في غرب اربد
في 24 آذار توفي شخص عمره 50 سنة بعد ان اطلق النار على نفسه في جبل النصر بعمان وقيل انه ربما حادث
في 25 آذار توفي شخص عمره 21 سنة بعد ان شنق نفسه في الاغوار بمحافظة الكرك وقالت لجنة طبية ان الوفاة نتجت اوليا عن رباط ضاغط حول العنق
في 27 آذار توفيت فتاة عمرها 14 سنة بعد ان وجدت ميته في بيتها في الرويشد بمحافظة المفرق
!وفاة 9 أطفال خلال شهر شباط: إهمال أم قضاء وقدر
في التاسع من شباط: توفيت طفلة عمرها 3 سنوات بحريق في منشية الكرك
في العاشر من شباط: توفي حدث عمره اقل من 18 سنة نتيجة طعنه بسكين خلال مشاجرة جماعية بحي الزهور بعمان
في 12 شباط: توفي طفل عمره 6 سنوات نتجة غرقه في بركة تجمع مياه الامطار بالقرب من سد الجرذانه في محافظة معان
في 19 شباط توفي 4 اطفال من عائلة واحدة تتراوح اعمارهم بين الثالثة والعاشرة بسبب حريق في منطقة دير ورق في المفرق
في 27 شباط توفي طفلين اعمارهما 4 و6 سنوات في الجويدة بعمان نتيجة غرقهما في بركة زراعية وهما من جنسية عربية
Accidents & Crimes in January 2021
February 2021- During the month of January 2021, at least, Thirty- six people were killed in Jordan in different kinds of accidents and crimes: Such as car accidents, homicide, suicide, unknown causes, etc..
The government does not provide a consolidated report on all cases in a timely manner. The media outlets in Jordan do not follow on the cases that injured and died later. Thus, the number of cases cannot be verified, and it could be higher than 36 in January.
Here is the number of death cases in each Governorate:
The Capital (3 male and 3 female) Balqa (3 male and 0 female) Zarqa (5 male and 1 female) Ma'adba (0) Irbid (4 male and 2 female) Ajloun (01) Jerash (1 male and 1 female) Mafraq (6 male) Ma'an (1 male) Aqaba (0) Tafeeleh (00) Kerak ( 4 male and 1 female) Other (00)Details of Accidents:
Car Accidents (16) deaths
Collisions (11) deaths, including one single accident, led to the death of 6 persons among them 5 from one family, father, and his 4 kids).
Deterioration, and rollover (02) deaths.
Run over by a car (03) Death.
Accidents could be related to negligence: (5)
A girl child was burned by a fire in Amman.
A man in his 20s was killed inside an elevator due to a mechanic problem in the city of Irbid.
An Egyptian worker was killed by electricity while working in Karak.
A man was killed after he fell from the 5th-floor house in Irbid.
A boy child drowned in Northern Valley in Deer Alla.
Homicide Crime (1)
A man was Kidnapped, tied-up, attacked, and killed by other 2 males in the Central Badia.
A married woman was beaten to death by her brother in Markka, Amman,
A man killed his son (18) and wife (53) in Rusaifeeh, Zarqa
Suicide: 3 cases
A boy (17 years old) burnt himself in Irbid.
A 20-year-old man hung himself near the food market in Irbid.
A 15-year-old girl burnt herself in Jerash.
Other Accidents that could be Suicide /Homicide/Accidents: 8
A police officer dies due to self-shot by his own gun while on duty in Ajloun.
2 young people, at least one of them a police officer, died in Balqaa on 24 January, not reason was indicated in their obituaries.
A man, wanted by police on drug charges, was killed in an exchange of fire with police in Rusaifeeh, Zarqa.
A military officer drowned while in a diving exercise.
A man in his 50s found hanged in an electric pole in Jerash.
An inmate sentenced to 8 years in prison in the case of threatening the Israeli embassy in Amman, died in his cell in the Mwaqer facility.
An inmate died due to a heart attack in the Swaqa facility.
February 2021- During the month of January 2021, at least, Thirty- six people were killed in Jordan in different kinds of accidents and crimes: Such as car accidents, homicide, suicide, unknown causes, etc..
The government does not provide a consolidated report on all cases in a timely manner. The media outlets in Jordan do not follow on the cases that injured and died later. Thus, the number of cases cannot be verified, and it could be higher than 36 in January.
Here is the number of death cases in each Governorate:
The Capital (3 male and 3 female) Balqa (3 male and 0 female) Zarqa (5 male and 1 female) Ma'adba (0) Irbid (4 male and 2 female) Ajloun (01) Jerash (1 male and 1 female) Mafraq (6 male) Ma'an (1 male) Aqaba (0) Tafeeleh (00) Kerak ( 4 male and 1 female) Other (00)Details of Accidents:
Car Accidents (16) deaths
Collisions (11) deaths, including one single accident, led to the death of 6 persons among them 5 from one family, father, and his 4 kids).
Deterioration, and rollover (02) deaths.
Run over by a car (03) Death.
Accidents could be related to negligence: (5)
A girl child was burned by a fire in Amman.
A man in his 20s was killed inside an elevator due to a mechanic problem in the city of Irbid.
An Egyptian worker was killed by electricity while working in Karak.
A man was killed after he fell from the 5th-floor house in Irbid.
A boy child drowned in Northern Valley in Deer Alla.
Homicide Crime (1)
A man was Kidnapped, tied-up, attacked, and killed by other 2 males in the Central Badia.
A married woman was beaten to death by her brother in Markka, Amman,
A man killed his son (18) and wife (53) in Rusaifeeh, Zarqa
Suicide: 3 cases
A boy (17 years old) burnt himself in Irbid.
A 20-year-old man hung himself near the food market in Irbid.
A 15-year-old girl burnt herself in Jerash.
Other Accidents that could be Suicide /Homicide/Accidents: 8
A police officer dies due to self-shot by his own gun while on duty in Ajloun.
2 young people, at least one of them a police officer, died in Balqaa on 24 January, not reason was indicated in their obituaries.
A man, wanted by police on drug charges, was killed in an exchange of fire with police in Rusaifeeh, Zarqa.
A military officer drowned while in a diving exercise.
A man in his 50s found hanged in an electric pole in Jerash.
An inmate sentenced to 8 years in prison in the case of threatening the Israeli embassy in Amman, died in his cell in the Mwaqer facility.
An inmate died due to a heart attack in the Swaqa facility.
Felony Crimes and Misdemeanor Crimes in Jordan 2016 - 2020
Accidents & Crimes in December 2020
خلال الشهر الماضي: وقعت 6 جرائم في الاردن بالاضافة الى 4 حوادث قد تكون نتيجة الاهمال منها انتحار فتاة تبلغ من العمر 12 سنة. وكذلك 9 حالات سُجلت على انها أحداث وليس جريمة وهي
العثور على شخص يبلغ من العمر عشرين عامًا من الجنسية العربية ميتًا أسفل جسر عبدون 2- العثور على رجل متفحما في ماركا 3- العثور على وافد ميتا في مخيم البقعة 4- عثر أحد الرعاة على رجل يبلغ من العمر 85 عامًا ميتًا في وادي حور (إربد) بعد أن تغيب عن منزله منذ شهرين. 5 توفي رجل في المستشفى يوم 15 كانون الاول بعد ان هرب من الشرطة بقضية مخدرات في الثامن من كانون الأول. وبحسب الشرطة - كشف تشريح الجثة أن سبب الوفاة كان بسبب سكتة رئوية شديدة. 6- تم العثور على جثة رجل يبلغ من العمر 30 عاما ميتا داخل مزرعة في مادبا 7- العثور على رجل يبلغ من العمر 30 عاما ميتا داخل بئر مياه بمنطقة كفر عوان 8 - العثور على رجل يبلغ من العمر 30 عاما ميتا داخل سد وادي العرب 9 - العثور على رجل يبلغ من العمر 30 عاما ميتا داخل بركة زراعية في غور الصافي
01 January 2021- During the month of December 2020, at least, Twenty- Nine people were killed in Jordan in different kind of accidents and crimes: Such as, cars accidents, homicide, suicide, unknown causes, etc. The government does not provide a consolidated report on all cases in a timely manner. The media outlets in Jordan do not follow on the cases that injured and died later. Thus, the number of cases cannot be verified, and it could be higher than 29 in December.
Here is the number of death cases in each Governorate: The Capital (10 male) Balqa (4 male and 1 female) Zarqa (2 male and 1 female) Ma'adba (1 male) Irbid (6 male and 1 female) Ajloun (00) Jerash (00) Mafraq (00) Ma'an (00) Aqaba (2 male) Tafeeleh (00) Kerak (01 male) Other (00)
Details of Accidents:
Car Accidents (10) deaths, --
Collisions (6) deaths. 4 young men were killed in one single accident, among them police officers.
Deterioration, and rollover (02) deaths.
Run over by a car (02) Death.
Accidents could be related to negligence: (4)
Two brothers' children (3- and 4-year-old) died because of inhaling fumes and gases emanating from the fire. in Sbeihai area in Balqaa
A girl was found dead in her home in the city of Zarqa. Social media users stated that she is 12 years and hung herself after watching a movie.
A 16-year-old juvenile was found dead inside his family's home (Location: Hashmi Shamali)
Homicide (6)
A man was choked to death by another near Naour and hid the corpse, then he went to the victim's house in Marj Al-Hamam and assaulted the 15-year-old son with a sharp object.
A man killed his 4-year-old son and his 25-year-old pregnant wife by a kitchen knife in Baqa Camp.
A 30-year-old man was stabbed to death during a fight with other man in Zaraqa.
A 40 – year – old man (off duty police officer) died after he after he succumbed to his wounds due to a gunshot happened few days earlier during a clash in Sareeh area, Irbid.
A man killed his father by a gun in Aqaba.
Other Accidents that could be Suicide /Homicide/Accidents: (9 )-
A twenty-year-old person of Arab nationality was found dead below the Abdoun Bridge
A man was found charred. Security source: the person suffers from mental disorders (Location: Marka)
An Arab worker was found dead. Security source stated that the body is in a state of decomposition, indicating that there is no criminal suspicion of death. (Location: Baqaa Camp)
An 85-year-old man was found dead in Hawr Valley (Irbid) by a shepherd. He has been absent from his home for two months.
A man died in a hospital on 15 Dec 2020 after a police chase. He escaped with a drug case on December 8th. According to the police - an autopsy revealed that the cause of death was due to a severe lung stroke.
A 30-year-old man's body was found dead inside a farm in Madaba. The security stated he died after inhaling the gases from the wood heater.
A 30-year-old man was found dead inside a water well in Kofr Awan area (Kora-Irbid)
A 30-year-old man was found dead inside Wadi-Arab Dam (Irbid)
A 30-year-old man was found dead inside an Agricultural pond in Ghor-Safi (Karek)
Accidents and Crime in November 2020
01 December 2020- During the month of November 2020, at least, Twenty- Four people were killed in Jordan in different kind of accidents and crimes: Such as, cars accidents, homicide, suicide,, unknown cases, etc.
The government does not provide a consolidated report on all cases in a timely manner. The media outlets in Jordan do not follow on the cases that injured and died later. Thus, the number of cases cannot be verified, and it could be higher than 24 in November. Here is the number of death cases in each Governorate: The Capital (02) Balqa (01) Zarqa (02) Ma'adba (02 ) Irbid (07) Ajloun (00) Jerash (00) Mafraq (01) Ma'an (01) Aqaba (00) Tafeeleh (00) Kerak (03) Other (05)
Details of Accidents:
Car Accidents (08) deaths, including Collisions (02) deaths, Deterioration, and rollover (05) deaths. And Run over by a car (01) Death.
Accidents could be related to negligence: (6)
A 3-year-old boy was killed by electric shock in Kraimeh – Aghwar.
A refugee kid from Za'atari camp was killed by fire.
Two boys (ages 6 and 4) were killed when they fell inside a sewage hall in Tbgat-Fhl, Irbid. Two others survived.
A 5- year-old boy was killed when he fell from above his family fence in Harthia- Mazar South.
An Electric Company employee was killed when he tried to reconnect an electric wire to his company's client in South-Shuna, Balqa.
Homicide: (4)
An Arab worker killed another of his own nationality with a knife in Southern- Badiya by a knife.
A 16- year boy beat another youth to death in Karak.
A man was killed in a fight in Karak.
A man was killed in a (verbal assault) in Madaba
Honor Crime: (0).
Suicide: 3 cases.
A divorced mother (22-year old) hanged herself in Zaraqa by a rope.
A 20-year old university student from Kofr-Asad shot himself in the head.
A teenager killed himself inside a correction facility in Madaba by hanging himself with his own clothes.
Other Accidents that could be Suicide /Homicide/Accidents: (3)-
An Asian maid was found dead in a garbage car. Reports stated that she escaped from her employer and hid inside a garbage place.
A 60-year old man drowned in Sad al Arab.
The body of a 50-year old man was found in Zarqa.
Accidents and Crime in October 2020
01 November 2020- During the month of October 2020, at least, Thirty-Four people were killed in Jordan in different kind of accidents and crimes: Such as, cars, homicide, suicide, family crimes, unknown cases, etc.
The government does not provide a consolidated report on all cases in timely manner. The media outlets in Jordan do not follow on the cases that injured and died later. Thus, the number of cases cannot be verified, and it could be higher than 34 in October.
Here is the number of death cases in each Governorate: The Capital (05) Balqa (02) Zarqa (05) Ma'adba (05 ) Irbid (08) Ajloun (00) Jerash (00) Mafraq (01) Ma'an (01) Aqaba (00) Tafeeleh (01) Kerak (04) Unknown (02) Details of Accidents:
Car Accidents (17) deaths:
Collision (09) deaths.
Deterioration and rollover (06) deaths, two of them were in a Saudi plate vehicle.
Run over by a car (02) Deaths, including a pregnant woman and her fetus in Madaba. And an 18-month infant was accidentally runover by his brother in Irbid.
Other Accidents (7 deaths): A construction worker from Egypt fell inside a stone-mixer in Qutrana, Karak. A man fell from his house balcony in Salt City. A ceiling fan fell on a child head in Ghor Safi. A man fell from a tall building in Der Alla. A man fell from an electric pillar in Bani-Kenana. A male nurse (30 year) drown in a farm pool in Aghwar (South). A man was killed by Fire in Irbid.
Accident could be related to negligence: 2
Tow kids (8 month and 10 years) were killed by fire in Maleeh, Madaba.
Homicide: 1 case for a 20-year-old man who was shot in Ghor, Shouna (North)
Honor Crime: (1) a Brother stabbed his sister to death in Irbid.
Suicide: 1 case. One foreign female worker (28 years) hanged herself in her house in Zolail.
Suicide /Homicide/Accidents: (5)-
There are some cases that the cause of the death is unknown, as the news form the Police states that "remain" or a "body" of a "person" was found in a such "place" that could be a house, a store, or outside, etc.
One of these cases for a man (30 years old) was found inside a bus in Zamaliya, Aghwar-North.
One case for a Nepalese worker (22 year) was found dead in his house in Zolail.
One case for a Bengalese guard (60 year) was found dead on the top of the building rood in Zarqa
One man died in a prison (police stated that he got heart attack.)
One man jumped from the window when the police raid his house.
Accidents and Crime in September 2020
01 October 2020- During the month of September 2020, at least, Thirty-Two people were killed in Jordan in different kind of accidents and crimes: Such as, cars, homicide, suicide, family crimes, unknown cases, etc.
The government does not provide a consolidated report on all cases in timely manner. The media outlets in Jordan do not follow on the cases that injured and died later. Thus, the number of cases cannot be verified, and it could be higher than 32 in September.
Here is the number of death cases in each Governorate: The Capital (9) Balqa (00) Zarqa (00) Ma'adba (05) Irbid (09) Ajloun (00) Jerash (00) Mafraq (03) Ma'an (01) Aqaba (01) Tafeeleh (00) Kerak (04)
Details of Accidents:
Car Accidents (14) deaths: Collision (10) deaths. Deterioration and rollover (2) deaths, one of the accidents. the victim burnt. Run over by a car (2) Death, including a child.
Other Accidents (3 deaths): A construction worker fell inside a hole. (2) died due to the heat wave.
Accident could be related to negligence: 0
Homicide: (6) cases: (4) killed by weapons including an off-duty police officer. (2) cases by sharp and hard objects (e.g. knife) (including once case, the victim was stabbed then burnt).
Honor Crime: (0)
Suicide: (3) cases: One man poisoned himself. One girl drank "insecticide". And one student doused gasoline before lighting himself inside a university campus (he died 2 weeks later -on 30SEP).
Suicide /Homicide/Accidents: (6) cases: - There are (3) cases that the cause of the death is unknown, as the news form the Police states that "remain" or a "body" of a "person" was found in a such "place" that could be a house, a store, or outside, etc. One of these cases for a child (13 years old) was found in a park in Irbid, there is one man died in a prison (police stated that he was ill.) There were 2 killed in exchange of fire with the police in M'adaba.
Accidents and Crime in August 2020
During the month of August 2020, Fifty-four people were killed in Jordan in different kind of accidents and crimes: Such as, cars, homicide, negligence, suicide, family crimes, unknown cases, etc.
The number of death cases in each Governorate: The Capital (15) Balqa (05) Zarqa (05) Ma'adba (02) Irbid (05) Ajloun (01) Jerash (02) Mafraq (03) Ma'an (02) Aqaba (01) Tafeeleh (05) Kerak (08)
Details of Accidents:
Car Accidents (27) deaths: Collision (17) deaths. Deterioration and rollover (6) deaths. Run over by a car (4) Deaths, including a police officer.
Other Accidents (4 deaths): Verbal Assault led to the death of a police officer (01) House Collapsed (1). Fell from a moving car (1), Exhaustion because of long hour work (1)
Accident could be related to negligence:
Drowning Accidents: (03) deaths
Homicide: 8 cases including (2) by weapons, and (6) cases by sharp and hard objects (e.g knife).
Honor Crime: (1) case. The victim is a Lebanese wife.
Suicide: 4 cases. Three hanged themselves. One doused gasoline before he lighting himself.
Suicide /Homicide/Accidents: There are 7 cases that the cause of the death is unknown, as the news form the Police states that "remain" "body" of a "person" was found in a "place........." without any details. Some of these cases, were found under bridges in Amman and Zaraqa. others were found in their own houses and hotel rooms or hanged by treas.
The number of death cases in each Governorate: The Capital (15) Balqa (05) Zarqa (05) Ma'adba (02) Irbid (05) Ajloun (01) Jerash (02) Mafraq (03) Ma'an (02) Aqaba (01) Tafeeleh (05) Kerak (08)
Details of Accidents:
Car Accidents (27) deaths: Collision (17) deaths. Deterioration and rollover (6) deaths. Run over by a car (4) Deaths, including a police officer.
Other Accidents (4 deaths): Verbal Assault led to the death of a police officer (01) House Collapsed (1). Fell from a moving car (1), Exhaustion because of long hour work (1)
Accident could be related to negligence:
Drowning Accidents: (03) deaths
Homicide: 8 cases including (2) by weapons, and (6) cases by sharp and hard objects (e.g knife).
Honor Crime: (1) case. The victim is a Lebanese wife.
Suicide: 4 cases. Three hanged themselves. One doused gasoline before he lighting himself.
Suicide /Homicide/Accidents: There are 7 cases that the cause of the death is unknown, as the news form the Police states that "remain" "body" of a "person" was found in a "place........." without any details. Some of these cases, were found under bridges in Amman and Zaraqa. others were found in their own houses and hotel rooms or hanged by treas.
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